Avengers : End Game (2019) Movie Review


First of all, I am not a great fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe. I didn't watch many of the movies and ended up liking only a handful. Christopher Nolan did really gave a different perspective to the ‘superheroism’. I know Marvel is all for fun & entertainment. But I seem to very much like Infinity War. The screenplay and structuring of the film really fascinated me. That was the whole reason to watch a 8.30 am show for Endgame (also I can go for my work)

And the movie turned out to be fabulous. It was a real treat and worth the wait. Again the Russo brothers have put their heart and soul into scripting to make this masterpiece. The story is so complex and engaging that you wouldn't be able to take your eye off a single second from the screen. 

I don't want to spoil the fun for you. So I am not going to reveal anything. It's a neat, well-written, well-made and performance oriented drama. Rather than a usual ‘marvel’ popcorn entertainer. They really pushed the envelope this time by taking some bold turns in the story. They tried to bring every single franchise of the universe, be it iron man or Captain marvel or Captain america or whoever, they have their own space in the movie. They succeeded in achieving I'd say 90%, which is very good, I must say. 

The story has so many surprises and adrenaline rush moments throughout the movie from word go. And the last 30 or 40 minutes will be really noisy in the cinema hall. There are many little moments that will definitely make you jump off your seats. 

And at end, the closure. The final act was so satisfying and emotional that will definitely leave an after-taste. The ending did justice to the whole universe. As one of the fellow members suggested, if it was not for The Dark Knight, Endgame would be the best superhero movie till date.