
Barry’s first solo outing is a winner for DC! It may not seem like from the marketing but the story is very Barry centric and emotional elevated scenes and situations at its core. Almost made me tear up multiple times. Ezra Miller is phenomenal as two different Barry Allen’s, using one to develop the other pages a brilliant path for their character arcs. Andy Muschietti deserves more DC films, he is a creative mastermind. Taking complex hard to visualize concepts and bringing them to life with such unique and creative ideas. However the thing that does not land is the CGI and maybe a rushed villain. The third act sat better with me upon my second viewing, but this movie overall is a big winner for DC, IT IS NOT A BATMAN MOVIE !!! 


The main attraction is the opening scene, which is insane, loved everything and it’s funny as hell. Watch it in the biggest screen possible !!!!

Seeing Michael Keaton dawn the cowl once again of the original live action Batman (1989) once again was definitely nostalgic & wild. Which I didn’t think it would be considering how silly the trailers made him look. Also Ben Affleck vintage Batman has a good screen time and both of them are the major highlight of the film. 

Two Batman’s on screen was just a dream come true, worth the price of admission alone if you’re just going into the film for the caped crusader like I was. The Wonder Women also had a short time span of action. 

Ezra Miller's incomparable performance was one of the positive factor. He put lots of effort behind the two characters. Barry and Garry are uniquely played by him. The combination scenes of the twins was gave some flavor of funny moments. 

The action sequences in “The Flash” are very stunning, riveting, dramatic and simply outstanding by Andy Muschietti. He Incorporated many new techniques that not many DC films before it had brought to the table. Easily some of the best yet in a comic book film to date. Especially the chasing sequence of batman in the beginning of the film. It was suddenly elevated the entire mood of the movie. 

Personally I likes the first half than the second half. Because there are many characters appearing in the first half and the story building is also takes place in the first half.

Loved the original musical score by Benjamin Wallfisch. It’s as if it’s as heroic as it needs to be, whilst having & creating energy & dynamic waves that could only be used whilst characters are in battle. 


I felt some lag in the second half and the multiverse concept is a repetition of previously released films but the world building and picturisation is good. The DCEU is now coming to an end. So we're eagerly waiting for the next from James Gun. Rest of the film was a great theatrical experience for me. 

My Opinion

“The Flash” is essentially a warped journey that manages to balance certain cliche’s in the comic book film genre, whilst adding some new & improved CGI action & style. It’s easily the most entertaining DC film that I’ve seen so far. 

Request to the Marvel Fans, 

Please stay away if you don't like it, please don't spread negative words, or just let them experience it. Be kind to all.

NB:- Stay for the post credits, you will get a surprise entry in that portion. 

#Naaz373 😊
